
Mort Chatterjee for ART India

Posted on October 1, 2018

Published in ART India | Volume 22 Issue 2

Mortimer Chatterjee and Tara Lal have been working for the last two years on the Upme archives. These documents comprise a hand written manuscript running to almost five thousand pages along with a large group of silver gelatin prints, each annotated on the verso. This horde represents the basis of Sir Ram Ram Upme’s famed 1898 tome, Discourses on the Lotus People of Early Hind. There are no known printed versions in existence today. For this issue of Art India, Chatterjee and Lal have used a sampling of text and image to imagine the layout of the final publication. This, of course, is an entirely speculative enterprise, and one that seeks to enable debate rather than suggest any kind of finality on the question.

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