Other Shows

De Montañas Submarinas El Fuego Hace Islas | PIVÔ, Sao Paulo

Kiran Subbaiah

3 September - 29 October
De Montañas Submarinas El Fuego Hace Islas | PIVÔ, Sao Paulo


Curated by: Yina Jiménez Suriel

De montañas submarinas el fuego hace islas (from the underwater mountains fire makes islands) investigates the tools created by communities of people around the world who have thought and desired freedom from outside of the Western imagination. The exhibition is part of a curatorial research project that Yina Jiménez Suriel began in 2019, around the expansion of human subjectivities that contributes to the creation of new and different imaginaries. Over the past year, her research has focused on deepening the study of the perceptual system of the human species and on how aesthetic thinking can contribute to and alter its future. The exhibition aims to identify the trace or evolution of those aesthetic tools in contemporary artistic practices that are cumulatively materializing in the creation of “islands,” where people can live out new forms of relations with all living beings that inhabit the planet.

During this exhibition, Kiran’s ‘Flight Rehearsals’ was exhibited; the following is the link to his work.


The exhibition is co-presented by KADIST and PIVÔ.

“De Montañas Submarinas El Fuego Hace Islas”, PIVÔ, Sao Paulo. https://www.pivo.org.br/en/exhibitions/partnership-kadist-pivo/