Other Shows

Trinity | New Art Exchange, Nottingham

Hetain Patel

29 January - 14 May
Trinity | New Art Exchange, Nottingham


This exhibit was held in partnership with John Hansard Gallery, the largest solo exhibition to date by Hetain Patel. It features a trilogy of films created between 2015 and 2021, including his most ambitious to date, Trinity.

The films, Trinity (2021), Don’t Look at the Finger (2017) and The Jump (2015) bring together the different facets of the rich filmic world the artist has been creating over the past five years. New sculptural works, which incorporate costumes, and action figures of the films’ characters were specially created for the exhibition.

“TRINITY”, New Art Exchange, Nottingham. https://www.nae.org.uk/event/trinity-by-hetain-patel/