Other Shows

Baa’s Gold 10 | The National Gallery, London

Hetain Patel

19 November
Baa’s Gold 10 | The National Gallery, London


Time Duration: 32 Minutes

Performers: Iris Chan, Melanie Ingram, Vidya Patel, Akshay Sharma, Deepraj Singh

Curated by: Priyesh Mistry

‘Baa’s Gold 10’ recounts the story of the burglary of Hetain Patel’s ‘Baa’, or grandmother in Gujarati, whilst at home in Bolton where she lived alone. In pursuit of gold, Patel’s Baa endured a violent ordeal at the hands of a gang of men who specifically targeted Hindu widows for their cultural tradition of only wearing gold jewelry. As the story is recounted multiple times in the form of a spoken screenplay by a group of performers, Baa regains her own agency, enacting revenge in the final version of the screenplay.

Click here to watch the full performance.

“Baa’s Gold 10”, The National Gallery, London. https://hetainpatel.com/work/performance/baa-s-gold-national-gallery-2021